Failure is proof that you tried. Now go try again.


More often than not in the fitness world we fail. Failure can be looked at in many different ways. But, the most important way I can express what that means to me is “we figured out what didn’t work, so now we need to analyze why”. Then, try again, instead of QUITTING. We all know where quitting gets us—nowhere!! Everyone has their own story, background, crutch, problems. Whatever they may be, WE ALL have them.

So often when I speak to people the first things I hear about are why they can’t do it. Instead of immediately having that negative mindset, let’s start with why do we even want this? Why is it in our head? How long has it been there? From there, we set goals. I recommend having that long term goal, and then breaking it down into small monthly expectations. That is much easier to handle mentally, rather than thinking of one “monstrous” number every day. 

Then we analyze our OBSTACLES. Things that we know prevent us from making steps forward. Write down every single one of them. Starting with largest.. I.e. child care, scheduling, unsupportive spouse, etc.  We have to identify the problems, and find solutions, or you will forever be a victim of your own circumstances. We have to be willing to ask for help from loved ones. If you need help with child care, ask for help! We have to stop putting the weight of the world on our shoulders, trying to be super parents. I too was once one of those, and let me tell you all it does is completely drain every last bit of energy out of you; and it’s not healthy physically or, most importantly, MENTALLY!! For myself personally, if I’m having a tough time with something I always reflect back to where I once was and remind myself how I over came that. Whether that be relative to fitness or not. We all sell ourselves short with our abilities, never treating our desires as attainable goals. Think about your children, if they need or want something you make it happen right?! Start treating yourself as one of those priorities, and you soon will be headed in the right direction, Because, at the end of the day, it always comes back down to priorities!!!

I have a learned a lot over the years in the fitness industry. Nobody can want it for you. It begins with YOU. It HAS to actually matter, and for most people it begins with admitting where we have gone wrong, and OWN what you have done and not done. After you process what it took for you to end up at your new starting point, we focus on being positive! Understanding that yes, it will take sacrifice and lots of tough days—I will not lie to you. But, in the end, your body will reward you. You will gain strength, confidence and be in far greater health for yourself and your family. 

So, are you ready to start treating yourself like a priority again??

Jolene Gularte